3 Questions About Having Sensitive Teeth

Do you suffer from tooth sensitivity that comes and goes? If so, this is definitely not something to ignore because it is a sign that your teeth are trying to tell you something. Here are some common questions you likely have about this unique situation.  Why Do Your Teeth Feel More Sensitive At Certain Times Of The Year?  Have you noticed that your teeth feel more sensitive during the summer months and are wondering why? [Read More]

What Your Next Dental Appointment Will Be Like After COVID

Have you been putting off your dental appointments due to COVID-19, and now you are finally feeling comfortable enough to go back into the office for a cleaning and inspection? If so, you'll likely be in store for some changes based on how things were before. Here is what you can expect your next dental appointment to be like. To learn more about general dentistry, contact a dentist.  Minimal Waiting Room Time [Read More]

How to Make Your Dental Crown Last

Dental crowns are an important tool dentists use to protect your teeth. Crowns can protect teeth that have become weakened by either decay or necessary dental procedures, such as root canals. These crowns are made from solid, durable materials that can withstand the bite force of a human mouth, but improper care can still lead to degradation over time. Here are four of the things you can do to make sure your dental crowns last for as long as possible: [Read More]

Options In Dentures To Know About

When you lose your teeth, your dentist may replace them with dentures, and there are more options than you might realize. Knowing what's available helps you make an informed decision when planning your dental care, so here are some types of dentures to know about. Partial A partial plate is used to replace one or more missing teeth, but not all of your teeth. The partial has some artificial teeth on it to replace the teeth that are missing. [Read More]