Here's How Dental Crowns Fix Sensitivity Issues

When you have sensitive teeth, it's hard to keep your mind on anything else. Depending on the level of severity you're experiencing, you could have discomfort when drinking cold or hot things, or be in absolute agony if something so much as touches your teeth. The good news is, no matter how bad your sensitivity is, dental crowns can help. Seal It The first thing that dental crowns do for you is seal off your tooth from being exposed to liquids and solids that you drink and eat. [Read More]

Tips For Dental Care As You Get Older

Are you just getting to the age where you are starting to receive your senior citizen benefits? If so, it is important to pay even more attention to your dental care if you want to ensure your gums and teeth are healthy. Here are some tips to help take care of your teeth at an older age. Find Comfortable Dental Care Techniques You may find that a regular dental care routine is hard to do as you get older. [Read More]

Get Started Early: The Benefits Of Having Your Child's Teeth Cleaned

One of the best things that you can do for your child is to help them to understand the importance of regular dental visits from a young age. Many people grow up with an unwarranted fear of the dentist's office, but regular and routine visits can help your child to see that there is nothing to be afraid of in the dentist's chair. In addition to the regular exam, these visits will also include a routine teeth cleaning. [Read More]

Causes Of Root Canal Failure And Alternative Treatments

Root canal treatments are successful over 95% of the time. Though the success rate is high, a few people do experience root canal failure. Here are some causes of root canal failure and alternative treatments that may help. Potential Causes of Failure You should suspect that your root canal has failed if you can still feel pain several days after the procedure or if the pain subsides then comes back after some time. [Read More]